Celebrate International Open Access Week

This year’s theme for International Open Access Week (Oct. 23 – Oct. 29) is Community over Commercialization. Open Access (OA) places the value of accessible information to the public above monetary interest in knowledge dissemination. OA removes restriction from research outputs such as journal articles, books, datasets, and more. Have you ever hit a paywall in your research? Perhaps you have located the abstract for an article that sounds ideal for your project, but then you click to find a request for your credit card. Interlibrary loan is a solution for the UMass Dartmouth community in those circumstances, but what about researchers who do not have library resources available?

The free and immediate availability of academic publications online means that the research will be read and built upon by a wider and more diverse audience. With this greater exposure comes more opportunity in the academic and scientific community. This publishing model is not available for all academic research at this time, but acknowledging Open Access Week is a great way to expand awareness of OA, and to learn more.

Here are some ways to deepen your understanding of OA this week:

  • Check out a print book about OA publishing from the display in library.
  • Access books online from MIT Press Direct to Open.
  • Subscribe to our Scholarly Communications blog for OA features this week and beyond.
  • Stop by the library/MASSPIRG OA Week table from 11am – 3pm on Tuesday Oct. 24th in the library lobby.
  • Attend one of these OA Week webinars:

Research and Publishing Roundup

This blog will periodically highlight some of our UMass Dartmouth Community’s recent achievements in scholarly publishing, research, and news features. Congrats to the following UMD faculty and staff on their newsworthy work:

Professor Pingguo He (Fisheries Oceanography) and Technical Associate Christopher Rillahan (Fisheries Oceanography) co-published “Waiting for the right time and tide: The fine-scale migratory behavior of river herring in two coastal New England streams” in Marine and Coastal Fisheries. The study used high-resolution acoustic imaging to study river herring’s fine-scale behavior during spring spawning migration in two coastal rivers in Massachusetts.Associate Professor Nikolay Anguelov (Public Policy) was featured in an article about the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women in America. The article uses Anguelov’s research of data from the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) database.Associate Professor Gavin Fay (Fisheries Oceanography) co-published “Navigating concepts of social-ecological resilience in marine fisheries under climate change: shared challenges and recommendations from the northeast United States” in ICES Journal of Marine Science. The article discusses the challenges and ambiguity in social-ecological resilience concepts and explores implications for research and implementation.Associate Professor Mark Santow (History) published Saul Alinsky and the Dilemmas of Race. The book focuses on the community organizer’s attempts to grapple with the moral dilemma of race through his organizing efforts and writing.

Need help accessing any of these articles? Reach out to our Research and Information Literacy Services Librarians.

Research and Publishing Roundup

This blog will periodically highlight some of our UMass Dartmouth Community’s recent achievements in scholarly publishing, research, and news features. Congrats to the following UMD faculty and staff on their newsworthy work:

Professor Avijit Gangopadhyay co-published “Observed surface and subsurface Marine Heat Waves in the Bay of Bengal from in situ and high resolution satellite data” in Climate Dynamics. The paper documents that surface marine heatwaves have increased in the Bay of Bengal in number, frequency, duration, and intensity over the last two decades.Assistant Professor Jonathan Kush (Management & Marketing) co-published “Communication networks and team performance: selecting members to network positions” in Frontiers in Psychology. The paper examines how individuals come to occupy communication network positions and the effect of selection processes on group performance.Senior Advisor to the Chancellor for Economic Development and Strategic Initiatives Michael Goodman was featured in an article that examined how policies and politicians in Massachusetts define how the state is viewed through a national political lens.Resident Director Kevin McGinnis published “‘All One in Christ Jesus:’ Physical and Moral Equality in Galatians 3:28″ in the Journal of Religious Competition in Antiquity. The paper argues that Paul’s letter to the Galatians was an example of Hellenistic philosophy, which saw everyone as having equal potential for cognitive clarity and moral goodness without the expectation of political equality.

Need help accessing any of these articles? Reach out to our Research and Information Literacy Services Librarians.

We’re Back!

The Scholarly Communications Committee has reconvened, and we look forward to posting content to apprise the UMass Dartmouth campus community and beyond of news and opportunities that surround Open Educational Resources (OER), Open Access, research, and publishing. We will keep a pulse on noteworthy developments in the creation, publication, dissemination, and storage of academic research.

To start, here are a couple of new UMD links to check out:

Provost’s OER page – Promotes the use of OER on campus, lists campus initiatives, provides data about the benefits of OER, and recommends links for finding OER.

Scholarly Communication LibGuide – A library guide that introduces the concept of Scholarly Communication and presents useful resources.

Celebrate Open Access Week with a Screening of “Paywall: The Business of Open Scholarship”

In celebration of Open Access Week, the Scholarly Communications Committee is screening “Paywall: The Business of Open Scholarship” at the library. The documentary “questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flows into for-profit academic publishers, examines the 35-40% profit margin associated with the top academic publisher Elsevier, and looks at how that profit margin is often greater than some of the most profitable tech companies like Apple, Facebook, and Google.”

When: Friday, October 26 2018, 11:30AM-1:00PM
Where: Library 314

Anyone interested in open access publishing is welcome! Bring lunch and questions or ideas about the future of academic publishing.

For more information about the film, visit https://paywallthemovie.com/paywall, where, in true open access form, it is available to watch in full if you cannot make it to the screening.

For more information about Open Access Week and events happening all around the world, visit http://www.openaccessweek.org/events

We hope to see you there!


OER with Shannon L. Jenkins

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Did you know nearly 60% of all students do not purchase a textbook at some point in time?
The National Association of College Stores (NACS) says the average college student will spend $655 on textbooks each year, but with a single textbook easily costing as much as $300, that total can easily be much higher. In fact, the College Board puts the annual cost of books and materials at $1,168 as noted by Tyler Kingkade of the Huffington Post. Open Educational Resources (OER) are an opportunity for decreasing these costs for our students.

A lunchtime discussion with guest speaker Shannon L. Jenkins, Associate Professor of Political Science and Department Chairperson where we explore the teaching and learning benefits of incorporating these OER instructional materials. Information on how to get started using OER and creating your own OER is also presented. Click the video below to watch.


We’ve changed our name….

The Fair Use Committee is now called Scholarly Communications.

The Scholarly Communications Committee is a group of librarians and instructional technology staff who are interested in educating its members and the academic community on guidelines and best practices in copyright and fair use, open access publishing, author’s rights, and open educational resources.

Webinar: Open Textbook Initiatives

Please join us for the following webinar offered by NISO (National Information Standards Organization) and sponsored by the UMass Dartmouth Fair Use Committee.

Wednesday, September 17th
Library Viewing room, Room 314

This webinar will focus on the efforts to make textbooks electronically available under free open copyright licenses as part of the broader open educational resources movement.


The Library Publishing Landscape for E-Textbooks
This presentation explores the current landscape for academic libraries’ involvement in publishing e-textbooks, focusing on the Open Access textbook pilot project currently in place between OSU Libraries and Press and the OSU Extended Campus. Participants will learn about challenges and gain some takeaways to assist in investigating their own partnerships.

Student-Funded Textbook Initiative at Kansas State University
For two years, the Student Governing Association at Kansas State University has been the primary funder of the Open/Alternative Textbook Initiative. This project awards stipends up to $5,000 to K-State faculty to develop an alternative to the traditional print textbook. To date, awards totaling $96,250 have been made. Over the next year, it is projected that over 12,000 students in 20 courses will not have to buy textbooks in these courses saving students nearly $1,000,000. Of course, every year each open textbook continues to be used these numbers will increase incrementally. This presentation will cover student/library funding of the project, faculty/library collaboration in the initial proposal and initiative, assessment goals, and more recently, interest in the initiative on the part of the president and provost of the university.

Using Open Resources to Expand Access to Education
Boundless began by offering students affordable textbooks created from open educational resources, helping students save money. Today, the company has grown to serve the entire educational ecosystem by curating, creating, and publishing a range of open content. Using open licensing allows Boundless to serve everyone from students to educators to authors by making it simple to access, share, and customize the resources within its platform. This presentation will discuss the benefits of using open licenses in expanding access to education.